The coasts of Los Realejos offer beautiful beaches and coves, such as Los Roques and El Socorro, one of the best in the Canary Islands for practicing surfing and it also boasts the Blue Flag of the European Community.
Proposals for travellers
Ruiz Canyon
Recreational area
Recreational area
Drago Cemetery
Drago of the Seven Fountains
Twin Dragos of Realejo Bajo
Los Roques – Rambla de Castro
Corona Belvedere
El Lance Belvedere
With a sculpture of Mencey Bentor that was thrown from this place by the guanches, before being seized by the conquerors. From it the Valley of La Orotava and the northern coast of Tenerife can be contemplated. It is located in Icod el Alto.
San Pedro Belvedere
Rambla de Castro – Hotel Maritimo
Los Roques
Rambla de Castro –Socorro Beach
Beach Guide
Castro Beach
El Socorro Beach
La Fajana Beach
Los Roques Beach